Product overview: Nil Smoke

Product overview: Nil Smoke

Hello our dearest affiliates!

Hope you are all doing fine and that you are having some time to check our new blog post that we have prepared for you.

This time we have chosen topic that is related to the one of the biggest problems modern world is facing – quitting smoking! Cigarette smoking is one of the major health risk factors in world, significantly contributing to deaths from cancer and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

Most smokers become addicted to nicotine, a drug that is naturally found in tobacco. More and more people in the world are addicted to nicotine than to any other drug. Researches are showing that nicotine may be as addictive as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol.

Quitting smoking is difficult, with the average smoker attempting to quit five times before permanent success. Quitting smoking is not easy but just like any other bad habit, with the right methods and system things can be broken through. That’s why we are offering our affiliates opportunity to promote one of the most wanted offer on the market – Nil Smoke!

What is Nil Smoke?

Lot of smokers are trying to find the right solution to quit this bad habit. As there are different methods, everyone can choose the one that fits him the best. According to studies, a smoker has usually tried several tactics before achieving any success. The success rates are not the same for everyone, of course. In the end, quitting comes down to a personal decision, the amount of willpower and a variety of factors effecting daily life. But that’s why, here at Zetaniche, we are offering our affiliates to promote the best chance of success for the targeted audience, since Nil Smoke magnets are advanced solution for every smoker who is ready to quit!

Nil Smoke is a unique solution for people who are interested in quitting smoking. It consists of a pair of bio-magnets which are worn on the inside and outside of the upper ear at a specific pressure point. The magnets are stimulating acupuncture points in order to release the same endorphin in the brain which is released when a cigarette is smoked.

Numerous studies have shown that the irritation of a certain area of ​​the skin of the auricles provokes an aversion to smoking, the smell of tobacco and that it helps to beat the addiction. Instead of the traditional needles from smoking in acupuncture, our product is allowing to use magnets as an active stimulant, which leads to the activation of specific centers in the brain.

A smoker can still smoke while using the magnets, but he will notice that the cigarette isn’t as appealing and he will gradually lose desire to smoke, generally within one week. Over time, craving and desire to smoke will vanish completely.

How does Nil Smoke offer work?

Nil Smoke is a proud member of a group of Zetaniche’s COD (cash on delivery) offers, and it’s like the rest of our COD offers, giving our affiliates opportunity to take advantage of this unique purchase scheme.

Let us get back once again at what this type of offer is. Cash on delivery is a type of transaction in which the buyer makes payment at the time of delivery instead of having to pay upfront, like with the most of other paying models.

This type of purchase scheme is safe for a buyer in many ways. First of all, buyer receives the product at his doorstep, without making any hassle. Secondly, buyer doesn’t pay until he receives the product and checks if product is in satisfactory condition. And thirdly, but not less important, COD transaction protect buyers, since buyer doesn’t need to use any credit card details during purchase. COD is very safe and buyers are not going to lose their money as a result of credit card theft.

We wanted to share these details with you once again, since this purchase model is definitely preferred for GEO’s where Nil Smoke is available for promotion.

When it comes to conversion flow, affiliates will be paid after the user from their traffic channel comes to a landing page of a product, fills the order form and clicks on the order button. If order is valid the conversion is triggered.

Where Nil Smoke is available in?

Nil Smoke is currently available in 16 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia.

We have decided to do a small research when it comes to rates of smokers in GEO’s Zetaniche is covering.

Overall, 24 per cent of people in the EU can be considered as a daily smokers. According to the Eurostat,  one person out of every four, in the age group of 15 years and above is addicted to smoking. Nations like Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Latvia and Cyprus are top in the list of countries with heavy populations of smokers.

Bulgaria has the second-highest percentage of smokers in the European Union (36%), while the average Bulgarian smoker puffs away just less than 16 cigarettes a day. Bulgaria is second only to Greece, which the March 2017 poll found to have (37%) as the proportion of people who smoke.

Men (30%) are more likely to smoke than women (22%), as are those aged between 15 and 24 (29%) compared with those aged 55 or more (18%).

About half of (50%) European smokers die prematurely, resulting in the loss of an average of 14 years of life. In addition, smokers are also more likely to suffer a range of illnesses because of their tobacco use, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as the European Commission states.

Considering all this written, we are sure that our Nil Smoke solution will be one of the most wanted among your European traffic.

What are the payouts?

In the table below we are presenting you pay-out for triggered conversion per GEO:


Traffic sources 

As we are always trying to highlight, Zetaniche is opened for all website owners and affiliates who are working with different traffic sources, so no matter if you are owning a website, blog or working with different traffic sources such as Google, ad networks, social channels and similar, you are more than welcome to start promoting our Nil Smoke offer. Nil Smoke is available for both mobile and desktop platforms.

This type of product is preferably working on mainstream traffic and health related content. As health concerns are raised about tobacco, cigarettes are now more expensive than ever, there are fewer places where you can legally smoke and the health concern is much scarier than what we thought just a few decades ago, there is no better moment to start promoting offer related to quitting smoking.

To make the story short – people want to quit. It’s not easy, but you as an affiliate can help them. If you are direct website or blog owner, you could offer information on how to kick tobacco for good. You can explain everything regarding the latest anti-smoking solution – Nil Smoke. About six million people die each year from tobacco; that’s a number that has to change. Your site can make you money while you also help people quit this dangerous habit.

Ad methods and Landing pages

As like with the rest of Zetaniche offers, all landing pages and marketing materials are translated to local languages and adjusted to the specific market, allowing you as our affiliate to promote Nil Smoke offer with banners and email traffic.

Since we want that users you are sending from your traffic source get more engaged to product itself before they are sent to landing page, we have built pre-sell pages on local languages of GEO’s where offer is available for promotion.

What are the advantages of promoting Nil Smoke?

  • Nil Smoke is offering new approach to the smoking problem,
  • Huge potential and interest in GEO’s where offer is available,
  • Cash on delivery is preferable model in GEO’s where offer is available for promotion,
  • Marketing materials on local languages,
  • Various traffic channels for promotion,
  • You can earn money while helping others to quit bad habit.

And this is it, guys! Hope you liked our presentation of this phenomenal offer!

We got you interested in? Sign up here and get access to this exclusive offer!


As always, you can write us directly to or Skype us at aff_zetaniche. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive exclusive offers updates and the latest news on our products.


Zetanice Team.